Saturday, December 26, 2009
We Told You So
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Everyone dies ...
Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) American statesman, scientist and writer
Monday, July 13, 2009
Tyranny in Trappe

Sunday, July 12, 2009
(Another) Calmity in Collegeville Borough
Friday, June 26, 2009
Irv Homer Dead
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Coy in Collegeville

Now this would appear not to be a very smart thing to do but we obviously are not talking about the sharpest tool in the shed here. Mr. Thompson got his willy twisted pretty good when Trappe Borough, in September 2006, sent a letter to Collegeville notifying them that they has shorted the CTJPW employee's pension fund to the tune of $45,000.00.
On October 4, 2006, Collegeville announced at their regulary scheduled meeting the following:
Collegeville Borough recently received a letter from Trappe Borough’s Solicitor requesting that Collegeville Borough pay $45,000 to the Joint Public Works employee’s pension fund. If the payment was not authorized at the October Council meeting Trappe Borough will explore litigation to recover the $45,000.
For the public’s information, the employees of Public Works are members of Collegeville Borough’s pension plan which is the PA Municipal Retirement System. This arrangement developed about 20 years ago because the Joint Public Works Committee was not a state recognized legal entity, thus they could not be part of PMRS and Trappe Borough did not have a pension plan. Collegeville Borough agreed to allow Public Works employees in the Borough’s PMRS plan. So as far as the state is concerned, Public Works employees are employees of Collegeville Borough. Financial aid from the state is received each year for the purposes of funding municipal pension plans. The financial allocation is determined by the number of employees and their salaries. The state aid received is distributed between Collegeville’s Police Pension Fund and PMRS. Recently, due to state legislation, obligations to the Borough’s pension funds have increased dramatically and the yearly allocation of state aid has not been adequate to satisfy both pension funds. The state aid received was used to satisfy the Police Pension fund, which is permitted under state law. State law allows the municipality to distribute state aid as it sees fit. The only requirement is that the state aid be deposited into a pension plan.
Collegeville Borough is currently seeking additional information from PMRS before making any decisions.
Well, after several months (early 2007) Mr. Thompson appeared at a Trappe Borough Council meeting and announced (and told the truth) that that Collegeville had indeed misappropriated monies that belonged to the workers pension at CTJPW and Collegeville kept for the police pension. He then proceeded to tell Trappe that Collegeville would reimburse the money by the end of the year. Trappe insisted that the money be paid back immediately or Collegeville would need to pay interest. So guess what - Collegeville then announced at a later Trappe Borough Council meeting that they had not taken any money and what they did was right and legal.
Trappe and their solicitors disagreed and filed suit against Collegeville and Lord knows where that stands? I am fairly certain that Fred Schuetz and the 'Trusted Team' have swept it under the carpet. They are too busy spending ridiculous amounts of money at Rambo Park handing money to Borough Engineer John Sartor (also a big contributor to their campaign) and the employees down at the CTJPW (who also donated to their campaign). We will have more on the dictatorship of Fred Schuetz and the 'Trusted Team' along with what appears to be the 'Gestapo' like ways of Borough Manager Tommy Ryan. More on this in the near future.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Trappe Election Results
Rep - Trappe Council |
1/1 100.00% |
Under Votes | 397 | |
Over Votes | 0 | |
Vote Count | Percent | |
Theodore Patrick | 219 | 24.72% |
Matthew Watson | 229 | 25.85% |
Catherine Johnson | 218 | 24.60% |
Nevin H. Scholl | 220 | 24.83% |
Total | 886 | 100.00 |
A Planted Story
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Some Luck in Limerick
We wish Mr. Neafcy the best in his bid this coming fall as he is a good and honest man and that is hard to find today in politics. If Ms. Chesler had any brains she would have followed David Kane when he left. All that education (BA and MBA from Eastern University in Saint David's PA) and they still have no common sense ... go figure. Oh well, now she suffers the humiliation of defeat due to her arrogance.
As we move towards November we will give you the skinny on all of the Limerick candidates as well as the surrounding boroughs and townships.
38-1-20 Race Results
Martin P. Dorminy
Total Vote Count: 96
Total Percentage: 3.10%
Terrie Stagliano
Total Vote Count: 777
Total Percentage:25.11%
Cathleen Kelly Rebar
Total Vote Count: 2,221
Total Percentage: 71.78%
The people have spoken and now we set our sights towards November. We have received a fair amount of e-mail asking us to check out Matthew Watson in Trappe who is running for re-election to Council. Our results will shock you and suffice to say that we will give Mr. Watson the long holiday weekend to really consider pulling out of the race and we will let it go - otherwise he is fair game.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Forced Crahalla Endorsement

Saturday, May 16, 2009
A Ray of Class in Collegeville

Disremembered Omissions II

Criminals for Stagliano
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Disremembered Omissions

- Does the Stagliano camp really believe that the average voter is going to swallow that 4 weeks of DJ school is going to trump 4 years of undergraduate study and 3 years of law school? Hell, we know nothing about what level of education Terrie Stagliano has or even if she has graduated from high school. Her resume attempts to sizzle but there was no steak to be found.
- Does the Stagliano camp really believe that the average voter is going to think that someone who has practiced law as a prosecutor and in private practice for many years is not better suited for this position than someone who has been elected to public office and owns a business?
- Terrie Stagliano compares herself to Ben Crahalla but she does not have his support or that of his spouse. Ask yourself why that is?
- Ben Crahalla is an educated man with a BS in Criminal Justice and prior to becoming a DJ he spent 25 years as a Pennsylvania State Trooper. He has plenty of legal experience prior to being a judge. Cutting hair and being a community activist (spending public money) is not the same.
- The only reason that the State of Pennsylvania allows someone who does not have a law degree to serve as a Magisterial Judge is that Pennsylvania is very rural and if they did not it would be impossible to fill the positions. But make no mistake about it - the State iteself and the State Judiciary prefer someone with a law degree to serve.
In closing, let me remind you that on this blog in many posts we have presented the facts that were culled from various public records. The newspapers have access to the same information as we do - but Stan Huskey and gang just choose to ignore these facts and just disremember so they could make many omissions when they report the 'news' ... or is it simply their own agenda?
But let us not forget Stan's user profile on his blog that states "I'm about finding the truth and helping people understand what is happening where they live, work and play." We are listening for the truth but oft times Stanley your silence is deafening!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Conflict of Interest

Well after being shown the January 2008 meeting minutes for Collegeville Borough Council there was and still is a huge conflict of interest and it all has to do with how Ms. Stagliano became Collegeville Borough Council President.
It is in the Collegeville Borough meeting minutes for January 2008 (full page of meeting minutes are above) . Here is the excerpt.
NOMINATIONS FOR COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Mayor Stagliano called for nominations for President of Borough Council. Louise Tulio nominated Teresa Stagliano. Rowan Keenan nominated Chuck Draksler. Mayor Stagliano offered that nominations for Council President be closed.
Mayor Stagliano requested a vote by show of hands for Teresa Stagliano. Voting for Teresa Stagliano were MaryLynn Gaydos, Louise Tulio and Teresa Stagliano. Mayor Stagliano then requested a vote by show of hands for Chuck Draksler. Voting for Chuck Draksler were Rowan Keenan, Tim Mahon and Andrea Baptiste. Both nominations received 3 votes. Mayor Stagliano broke the tie by voting in favor of Teresa Stagliano.
Well if this is not a blatant conflict of interest I am not certain what is! This move caused Chuck Draksler to quit politics after many years of service and was totally disrespectful to him. My only question is where was Chuck Draksler that evening? Was he told to stay away?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Above the Law III
It is all right here on the Montgomery County website.
In addition, we have heard from a very reliable source (an official) at the townhouse development where the Stagliano's live (see here) that in the past few months the association had to bring legal action due to many months of unpaid association dues in the area of $3,000.00. They were sued in the very court that Terrie Stagliano is running to be the judge in!
Once again this points to the moral character and ethics this candidate possesses. Once again, Terrie Stagliano thinks she is above the law!
Above the Law II
In our last blog we eluded to the not so fortunate and to the aging who live on meager pensions and Social Security and how it hardly seemed fair when people who are politicians make decisions that often times have a financial impact on their respective taxpayers and rate payers but especially those referenced above and in this economy are hard hit.
In 2004 two minority (meaning they joined 2 other Trappe Council Members representing a majority) were appointed to CTMA and CTJPW. During their tenure they noticed that meeting related documents (agenda, financial reports including bills to be paid, etc.) were distributed just prior to the start of the regularly scheduled public meetings when it is common practice and common sense to provide these documents to the members of such a committee 5 business days prior to such a meeting. This allows a timely and in depth review unless of course you don't want anyone to scrutinize what is going on.
When the two new Trappe representatives requested that the documents be distributed earlier so they could review them prior to voting Mr. Ernest Schmidt replied "that is not how we do things around here". Mr. Matt Watson was the third member of both CTMA and Trappe (and is a current Trappe Councilman running for re-election this year) and voiced that it was not necessary to change this practice.
This whole situation stems from the formation of the Collegeville Trappe Joint Public Works Department (CTJPW) in 1992, which was supposed to spell the end for the joint municipal authority, according to the agreement of 1990. However, more than 15 years later, the Collegeville Trappe Municipal Authority still exists. Why? No one from either Trappe or Collegeville has or can give a valid reason.
In the middle of this is Ernest (Ernie to Terrie Stagliano) Schmidt, a former resident of Trappe who moved to Lower Fredrick more than five years ago (at the time) and served on CTMA since its creation as a municipal authority in 1968. Mr. Schmidt represented Trappe on the regional sewer authority until he was not reappointed by the Trappe Council in January 2006 citing he was not a resident of Trappe Borough. State law requires that a person maintain their primary residence in the borough or township that they serve.
As the Treasurer of the Public Works Department, a part-time position that paid him $32,000 a year (working an estimated ten (10) hours a week but this cannot be confirmed as time records are not kept for the employees of CTJPW) after he refused to resign after Trappe Borough Council cited he was a non-resident. Andrew Cantor, Solicitor for Collegeville Borough, CTMA, and CTJPW stated that if Schmidt was appointed to the CTMA as a resident of Trappe, then he can serve out his five-year term even though he moved out of the borough during that term. Trappe disagreed and had their solicitor challenge it through the offices of the Montgomery County District Attorney and State Attorney General.
In all correspondence directed to Collegeville from Trappe, Trappe pointed out that Mr. Schmidt could not legally serve as chairman of the Lower Perkiomen Valley Regional Sewer Authority (which had just started a $60 million plus capacity expansion and has led to a nearly 67% increase in the sewer bills for Lower Providence, Upper Providence, Trappe and Collegeville) because he was not a resident of Collegeville. Trappe provided to Collegeville a court deposition transcript in which Mr. Schmidt had given sworn testimony that he was a resident of Lower Frederick Township (where he is now a Supervisor and the former the Building Inspector). Mr. Schmidt refused to resign and had to be removed by then Montgomery County's District Attorney Bruce Castor (see letter above) in July 2006 as Trappe’s representative on the CTMA.
It took legal action (which cost the taxpayers) from the Trappe Borough Solicitor through The Montgomery County District Attorney, Mr. Bruce Castor cited state law that requires residency for Mr. Schmidt to represent either Trappe or Collegeville. Mr. Schmidt, with the encouragement and backing of Terrie Stagliano, refused to resign. Terrie Stagliano screamed at Trappe Officials telling them to leave Ernie alone as he is a "good man" and that she did not care if he couldn't serve legally.
Then Collegeville Borough Council under the direction of Terrie Stagliano not only attempted to appoint Ernie Schmidt as Collegeville's representative on the LPVRSA she also attempted to pay the legal bills for Mr. Schmidt out of the treasury of CTJPW but this effort was blocked by Trappe Representatives. Terrie Stagliano knew that appointing Mr. Schmidt and attempting to pay his legal bills was unethical and illegal but she moved forward anyway in another incident where she disregarded the law.
When council members from Trappe brought the 1990 agreement to the attention of the Collegeville Borough Council, the response was, "Where have you been for 15 years?" The 1990 agreement was in response to a lawsuit filed by Trappe against the CTMA years back. As a result, the joint public works department was formed to operate the sewer system. According to the agreement, the CTMA was supposed to cease operations when the joint public works system was formed. We have 2 entities (CTMA and CTJPW) operating the Sewer and nearly doubling the cost for this service. All so they can appear to being doing more than they really are.
In our next posting we will review the sweet contract Terrie Stagliano cooked up for the employees of CTJPW and CTMA.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Above The Law
Take the matter of Teresa Stagliano and her husband Albert, while albeit a small infraction, parking directly under the Fire Zone signs in the Collegeville Shopping Center (next to Pizza Stop). After this blog reported this in October 2007, the abuse of Mayor Albert Stagliano and his wife Teresa not just stopped parking in the fire zone but the Mayor sold his Cadillac Sedan Deville in what appears to be an attempt to distance himself from the pictures of that car and the story.
But until this day, Tony Mazzumuto and his son park under that very Fire Zone sign with the blessing of both Teresa Stagliano, the President of Collegeville Council and her husband, Albert Stagliano, Mayor of Collegeville and the overseer of Police Department at the highest level. Now everyone knows that Tony and Al have been the best of friends for many, many years. I guess that has paid off for Tony - I wonder what else?
And then there is the fact that Ms. Stagliano placed her signs out many weeks prior to the '30 day law' (cannot place signs prior to 30 days of the scheduled election). And why not illegal it certainly goes to credability that the only veteran we could find supporting Ms. Stagliano is her husband Albert. The veteran signs are misleading at best and a lie at worst. The position that Ms. Stagliano is running for represents the first step in our judicial process. The person elected for this position must be beyond reproach and Ms. Stagliano, in our opinion (and the record will show) does not meet this criteria.
We could go on but suffice it to say that our opinion is that someone of Ms. Stagliano's character and credentials is not qualified to hold office and certainly not that of a judicial office. Stay tuned to our blog and we will educate you to these facts between now and the election.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Apples for Apples

As we promised, we are going to examine the two Republican candidates who are running for District Justice seat being vacated by Benjamin Crahalla in District 38-1-20. District 38-1-20 is comprised of Trappe Borough, Lower Providence Township, Upper Providence Township (Voting District Oaks), and Collegeville Borough.
On this blog we ask you, the voter, to simply compare the credentials of the resumes above (click on the image to enlarge - use the back button on your browser to return to the blog) for the candidates Terrie Stagliano and Cathleen Kelly Rebar. The choice in our opinion is clear just based on credentials but we believe that after we show you the results of the of our background investigations your choice will be even clearer.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Dumpster Diving

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Point of View
Well in response to that posting I heard from Doug Hager, the Republican Area 4 Leader, wherein Mr. Hager wrote:
"As the Area 4 Leader I wanted to correct some of your comments regarding the endorsement meeting for District Judge in 38-1-20. Terrie Stagliano did come with a large number of friends and family. It is also true that I was contacted by other people who were interested in attending the endorsement meeting including Ray, who asked if friends could attend. At no time did the friends and family of Terrie create any commotion and they were not asked to leave. The meeting went well without any problems and Cathleen Kelly Rebar was overwhelmingly endorsed. It was clear that there was no comparison between Cathleen's credentials and Terrie's. The vast number of Committee members felt Cathleen was the better candidate for District Judge".
I respect Mr. Hager who my sources tell me is "more than an upstanding guy" but also these same sources tell me that they too were at the meeting and perhaps out of the earshot of Mr. Hager the Stagliano's and their friends were none too nice. And based upon the political signs I see one day for Ms. Rebar and the next day are taken or destroyed I can only guess the tactics of the Stagliano Campaign have sunk to the lowest point. No surprise in this behaviour from the Stagliano's - stay tuned.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Queen for Your King
Well the Stagliano 'Goon Squad' was none too happy that their 'Queen' was not crowned and made quite a bit of embarrassing noise and a few intimations that nearly got them thrown out of the meeting. We heard that prior to the meeting Ray Korenkiewicz (Collegeville Republican Committeeman along with his wife Linda - by the way Linda who works in the President's office at Ursinus and Ray (who recently got tossed out at Keyser-Miller Ford) now works in the mail room at Ursinus) called up certain GOP party folks and inquired if they could bring some 'friends' to the Area 4 GOP meeting and were given the OK as long as they did not bring the goon squad - well you guessed it - they did bring the goon squad along with the stooges who they know at the local barber shop.
Now here is the 'rub' ... the sore loser that Ms. Stagalino is it has been reported by numerous e-mails to us that she will do ANYTHING to win - has been campaigning door-to-door and stating that she "is the only one who is qualified for the position since she attended DJ school". Well ... that is not the truth - period! Most folks know that Ms. Rebar (as a practicing attorney with over 11 years experience) is much more qualified candidate for this position than is Ms. Stagliano (whom has no formal education whatsoever). We will present the resumes of Teri Stagliano and Ms. Rebar in our next posting.
Furthermore, we will embark on our largest investigation to date that will show that Collegeville Borough under the leadership of Teri Stagliano (current President along with her Mayor-King-Husband) has been overwhelming compromised and is downright corrupt in ways that only the reader could imagine.
It involves so many parties in and out of Collegeville and over such a long period of time that surely there could be indictments of people you have never heard of. It will involve a large education institution, the local water and sewer, a prominent attorney from Trappe Borough who serves on the board of trustees of this educational institution and many folks whom are employed with this institution (free housing for professors and employees and employment for some whom serve in political positions), the regional sewer authority, and the use of a local police force so large that the only conclusion one can make is that it is here only for the benefit of this educational institution. When we get done 'connecting the dots' you will be amazed.
Standby ... this could be be one sizzling summer ... and a really cool spring!
Hint ... Matt Watson homeless and what car is that at 280??
Monday, March 2, 2009
Limerick Township Is Just a Mess
According to the article West Whiteland police and court records show Kotch paid a $422 fine on a summary harassment charge for the Sept. 30 incident at Best Buy in the Exton Mall. In the incident, a 41-year-old Valley Township woman told police that the Limerick Supervisor and store employee "gave her 4-year-old daughter a wedgie, asked her the color of her underwear and patted the child's rear end".
Here is what the voters need to do in that cesspool they call Limerick Township. Replace the following people who are up for re-election this year:
1. Supervisor Frank Kotch - why? The guy pleaded guilty to being a pervert (summary offense or not).
2. Supervisor Kara Shuler - why? I quote "We cannot let Frank Kotch's legal issues detract from the activities of Limerick Township. It is important that we continue to focus on the community and the residents." Need I say more? If so, I think she is inferring there are better things to do in Limerick than protect children. Quite frankly, this woman as a public servant scares the hell out of me!
3. Renee Chesler - why? Disciple of Stan Huskey as she would not know the truth if she fell over it. I quote from the Mercury article "On Sunday, Chesler said she learned of Kotch's incident last Tuesday, which contradicts part of the prepared remarks and an earlier statement Chesler made to The Mercury. She further stated, "Everybody found out different things at different times." Wow, that sounds like selective memory to me!
4. Replace (put a lot of pressure on the next Board) Township solicitor Joe McGrory - why? I quote from the Mercury article "There is no requirement for elected officials to report or share information regarding prior legal matters with other board members or the public. The matter occurred in Chester County, but was left undiscovered and undisclosed until recently." Now why would the solicitor even make such a statement? What difference does it make if it was a prior bad act? Did it not occur when Kotch was in office (not that it makes a difference)? It is foolish for a man of this supposed stature (officer of the court) to make this statement when he knows public pressure will come to bear that Supervisor Kotch be removed. It sounds to me like McGrory and some (if not all) of the Limerick Supervisors knew and were just protecting this pervert.
I smell the stench of this throughout the area and we are fast becoming the laughing stock of this state! I hope that Bob Kerns can get a hold of his party in Montgomery County and start cleaning up. The Republican Party in Montco has allowed for Democrats to take Republican positions and these are the type of people we get. Stop handing this over to the other party. A great start would be Limerick Township and then next with that Court House down in Norristown.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Robert Fieo Under Investigation
Now before I hear from all of the usual naysayers, I would like to remind you that the last time we reported something like this, in the posting of April 2008 regarding John David Kane, we were told by many (including the Times Herald Editor, Stan Huskey) that we were full of it. Well we were not just not full of it, we "scooped" both the Pottstown Mercury and the Times Herald. It was embarrassing - or was it? We believe that these newspapers chose what to publish (imagine that) and simply chose not to publish the information until they were forced to by a blog getting to it first. As we all know now John David Kane has resigned and alot of elected politicians in Limerick Township are walking on egg shells. They should be as I hear the investigation is not over.
Standby as I feel that John David Kane and his buddy Mark Marino were saints next to what Bob Fieo has been doing. I could be wrong but our sources tell us otherwise.