The following story was forwarded to us in an e-mail and the story has been verified.
Yesterday or the day before Terrie and Al (Stagliano) called the Collegeville Police Department to file a complaint that Terrie's political signs were found in the dumpster behind the Collegeville Shopping Center and they wanted the signs processed for prints! The property manager for the Collegeville Shopping Center came on the scene and stated that they did not have permission to put signs there and that the cleaning company is instructed to remove all the signs every night. The cleaning company was there also and told them if they put the signs back up they will be taken down every night. Terrie and Al went 'dumpster diving' attempting to 'fish out' the signs to reuse. Thought you would find this amusing since there were two days worth of trash on top of them from emptying the garbage cans at Collegeville Shopping center every night.
Now this does tell us something - that the King and Queen will do their own dirty work.