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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Limerick Township and the Chickens

Well - it happened - the chickens came home to roost. Slightly old news but David Kane resigned as a Limerick Township Supervisor and where there was smoke there is now fire. I do hope this puts the other elected officials in Limerick on notice in that you cannot do unethical and sometimes illegal acts and not be held accountable. Are you listening Ms. Dewan? How about Ms. Chesler or Ms. Shuler or Mr. Kotch or Mr. Sperring?

These elected officials who worked with Mr. Kane all knew what he was up to but stuck by him - why? Because they are as unethical as Mr. Kane. It is time to "wipe the board clean" in Limerick and get a whole new slate of elected officials there. I just hope that there are some good people who will step up and really do want to serve the community and not put money in their pockets. These folks are scarce today but hard times bring out the best in people. Let us hope.

In perusing the May 2008 Meeting Minutes of Trappe Borough it was discovered in May that a resident asked the question of Borough Council during the "OPEN TO THE PUBLIC" section of the Council Meeting. The resident inquired with regard to the Council addressing the issue of purchasing the Longacre Property (a potential EPA clean-up site) for a potential new compost site for residents of Trappe and Collegeville? President Schuetz advised that this would not be a topic of discussion this evening.

Now why would an elected official who is a member of the "Trusted Team" and their leader, not wish to speak about a government body potentially purchasing a new site? Perhaps because it is not needed (what is wrong with the current site)? Perhaps because it is going to cost "mucho" bucks to clean this site up. Mr. Schuetz is not looking very trusting in his answer.

And I have one more comment for this posting. What is Collegeville doing at the Route 29 and Main Street improvement? People need to be asking hard questions of the Borough Council why this eye sore just sits there!