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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Stan Huskey and the Truth (Part 2)

Well, once again we get the “truth”, Stan Huskey style. We have said it before and we will say it again … Stan would not know the truth if he fell over it but he sure knows how to spin a story.

First, Mr. Huskey on April 28th wrote at his blog “I heard the rumors last week. However, before I move forward with something of this magnitude I will make sure we have confirmation”. This statement was in reply to a comment that Mr. Huskey posted on his blog from “crystal balls” wherein crystal balls attempted to discredit me by stating “Stan, Craig Marks blog is way out of line. There was no raids on anyones home. If these people know so much carry a camera and shoot the scene. If you go to some web sites they have everyone and their brothers home being raided by 10 to 30 FBI agents. People keep taking shots at you, like Joe Friday used to say "give me the facts, just the facts.

Well, as it turns out the story that this blogger broke on April 27th (and many said it was just a rumor) was the “facts, just the facts”. And finally, today, May 15th the Norristown Times Herald published an article (OK, a “fluff” piece – more on that shortly). Now the lack expediency on publishing this story brings to mind a couple of words here … auspicious … opportune … well you get the idea.

What the Times Herald article briefly mentions but fails to question is the statement “The records sought appear to be meeting minutes, personal income tax documents and filings with the State Ethics Commission”. I do not believe that the personal income tax documents of anyone are kept at the respective Township buildings. So we stand by our statements that the homes of Marino and Kane were also served subpoenas at their residences wherein records were seized.

Now, I will let you in on what is happening here if it is not obvious to you. First, Mr. Huskey wants to deflect some of the criticism of his cronyism with Mr. Marino and Mr. Kane by publishing this fluff piece two and a half weeks after a blogger broke the story and then pretending that he is picking up the story from two sister publications. What the hell took so long? Please Mr. Huskey, if you are going to do a story, do a story with some teeth.

Second, while some officials at Limerick Township were interviewed for the story that appeared in the Norristown Times Herald article, no official was willing to go on record with a statement. In the article it states that “Limerick Township Manager Dan Kerr declined comment, as did township Solicitor Joe McGrory and supervisors’ spokesman Mike Pincus”. It also states that “Limerick supervisors’ Chairwoman Elaine DeWan did not respond to requests for comment”. Wow, I am shocked! This speaks for itself, as the silence is deafening.

Third, Skippack Township Manager Ted Locker (former Limerick Code Enforcement Officer) was interviewed for the article wherein he confirmed “that the IRS requested township records, and he complied with the request”. Locker said “no particular supervisor was named as the target of the investigation”. He also said rumors that the IRS “raided” the building were unfounded”. Well more spin from a Marino crony as what Mr. Locker does not say that the “request” came in the form of a subpoena and while he is correct that no one person was a target he failed to mention that all of the records for Skippack Township Supervisors were “seized” as a result of that subpoena. Yes Mr. Locker, this is what happens when a subpoena is served, property is often “seized” as a result of a subpoena. Part of the the definition of a subpoena is “the legal document issued by a court or judicial officer as a legal demand of records”.

An agency, such as the IRS or the FBI, makes a request of a person or entity (business) to turn over records voluntarily. If they do obtain what they are seeking or they suspect that information exists that is not coming voluntarily, then they seek a subpoena. Now, we all know that we do not want to give a “heads up” to someone who we are serving a subpoena on, so we take them by surprise and conduct a “raid” so we do not give them the opportunity to remove and/or destroy records (just ask the employees at the Collegeville Trappe Public Works about their shredding service). So when Mr. Locker states “rumors that the IRS “raided” the building were unfounded” we all know that Mr. Locker is being disingenuous at best, and Mr. Huskey’s newspaper is remiss in not challenging such a statement.

Now the statement that takes the pinhead award is from Skippack Supervisor Mary Beth LaBelle who described the request (a subpoena is not a request it is a forceful seizure) as “nothing. Easy breezy, no big shakes.” She said, “I own two businesses. The IRS constantly reviews my records so they can collect better data”. “There’s a certain faction out there who likes to make things bigger than they are,” she added. “I’ll bet my life and my business that we are straight as an arrow.”

Well, Ms. LaBelle, I checked with some folks who are in business, both small and large, and NEVER has the IRS or the FBI or any government entity ever served a subpoena on one of their business concerns. And certainly not the FBI assisting in a “criminal investigation”! What a ludicrous statement.

The above referenced article can also be found in the Pottstown Mercury here.

I rest my case … for now.