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Friday, October 8, 2010

The Sudden Republican

You may or may not know that the illustrious Mayor of Trappe Borough Connie Peck (pictured left) ran and won as a Democrat. Now word is she is suddenly a Republican. Change of heart? We don't think so. We think it is a page out of the Stagliano playbook as both Al and Terri Stagliano were long time Democrats (and still are) but of course registered as Republicans. After all we all know that while we have heard about the (soon to be) death of the Republicans in Montgomery County it just has not happened and if you want to get elected you need to at least register as Republican.

Which leads us to remind you the reader that when you are voting for folks like the Staglianos and/or Ms. Peck and you think you you are voting for Republicans but just remember the tale of the wolf in sheeps clothing.