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Monday, July 13, 2009

Tyranny in Trappe

It was reported to us that at the Trappe Borough Council meeting last Tuesday that Council President Fred Schuetz was on his own (meaning his other Trappe 'Trusted Team' cronies were not in attendance) and apparently Mr. Schuetz attempted to ram-rod through approval for $60,000.00 worth of playground equipment for Rambo Park. Up to this point council was not aware that this was on the agenda for a vote. It is reported that Council President Schuetz became rather annoyed when the rest of Council would not go along with his tyrannical plan.
Now at this time of the largest economic dilemma in 60 years we find it interesting and that Mr. Schuetz would be pettifogging about such things as playground equipment or taking care of his cronies by attempting to purchase a most certain super fund cleanup site to relocate the current compost site for Collegeville and Trappe and not thinking about easing the tax burden for Trappe residents.
Yes you heard it right - Mr. Schuetz is pushing to purchase a piece of land that is now a junk yard for cars (off 7th Avenue) so that he and the Trusted Team can take care of their cronies (in this case) a developer who wants to build single homes near the existing compost site but sees the current site as not very complimentary to a new housing development.
There is no need to relocate the current compost site as it is more than adequate space wise and the ingress and egress poses much less of a safety problem. But the hell with the taxpayers says the 'Trusted Team' let us once more do a dastardly deed to benefit ourselves and our cronies than the taxpayers whom elected us. The next time one of these clowns run for office note where you see their campaign signs (if you don't we will do our best to point it out to you).
Next post 'The Wisdom of Watson' and why this clown Matt Watson (who should have pulled out of this race when we gave him the chance) is more than enough to make the circus that has become Trappe Borough Council.
There is irony here when they usually say a few clowns short of a circus.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

(Another) Calmity in Collegeville Borough

Here we go again with another financial fiasco in Collegeville. You may recall we reported that Collegeville Borough has knowningly kept pension money (over $45,000.00) for the Collegevile Police that should have been appropriated for the Collegeville Trappe Joint Public Works employees. Well now we have been told that Collegeville Borough knowingly has been collecting the Berkheimer Earned Income Tax for an unknown number of Trappe Residents and has been keeping the money for years!
At this point we do not have all of the facts but we know this has been going on for years and when Collegevile was once again caught with their hands in the bank account of Trappe Borough we know that all they could say we will settle this with an offer of a repayment plan that covers a few years (around $22,000.00) and offered repayment over a period of unknown time with NO interest.
What Trappe Council should be seeking is ALL of the money misappropriated to them over all of the years and demand it now or seek criminal charges against longtime Borough Manager Jeff Thompson and and 12 year veteran and now Council President Terrie Stagliano.
And thank God for Trappe Council Members Nevin Scholl and Steven Kurcik as if it was not for their pushing this issue it certainly would have been buried by the Collegeville cronies on Trappe Council. Namely Council President Fred Schuetz, Vice-President Matthew Watson, Lew DiPrete, Paul Edwards and perhaps the worst offender, Mayor Conne Peck.
In our next blog we will cover Fred Schuetz and his antics at the last Trappe Borough Council meeting and we are still working on our post for Matthew Watson as a financial deadbeat.