Looks as though Teri Stagliano of Collegeville and her 'Goon Squad' (including the 'King' of Collegeville Al Stagliano but more on her Goon Squad and the contract she has given to the Teamsters Union and the (unnecessary) contract Joe Hastings down at the CTMA/CTJPW) showed up at the Area 4 GOP meeting wherein the GOP overwhelmingly endorsed Cathleen Kelly-Rebar of [the Eagleville section of] Lower Providence over Terri Stagliano of Collegeville to fill Ben Crahalla’s Magisterial District Judge seat. It appears that Cathleen’s experience as a practicing attorney for the past 11 years is what persuaded committee folks to vote for her.
Well the Stagliano 'Goon Squad' was none too happy that their 'Queen' was not crowned and made quite a bit of embarrassing noise and a few intimations that nearly got them thrown out of the meeting. We heard that prior to the meeting Ray Korenkiewicz (Collegeville Republican Committeeman along with his wife Linda - by the way Linda who works in the President's office at Ursinus and Ray (who recently got tossed out at Keyser-Miller Ford) now works in the mail room at Ursinus) called up certain GOP party folks and inquired if they could bring some 'friends' to the Area 4 GOP meeting and were given the OK as long as they did not bring the goon squad - well you guessed it - they did bring the goon squad along with the stooges who they know at the local barber shop.
Now here is the 'rub' ... the sore loser that Ms. Stagalino is it has been reported by numerous e-mails to us that she will do ANYTHING to win - has been campaigning door-to-door and stating that she "is the only one who is qualified for the position since she attended DJ school". Well ... that is not the truth - period! Most folks know that Ms. Rebar (as a practicing attorney with over 11 years experience) is much more qualified candidate for this position than is Ms. Stagliano (whom has no formal education whatsoever). We will present the resumes of Teri Stagliano and Ms. Rebar in our next posting.
Furthermore, we will embark on our largest investigation to date that will show that Collegeville Borough under the leadership of Teri Stagliano (current President along with her Mayor-King-Husband) has been overwhelming compromised and is downright corrupt in ways that only the reader could imagine.
It involves so many parties in and out of Collegeville and over such a long period of time that surely there could be indictments of people you have never heard of. It will involve a large education institution, the local water and sewer, a prominent attorney from Trappe Borough who serves on the board of trustees of this educational institution and many folks whom are employed with this institution (free housing for professors and employees and employment for some whom serve in political positions), the regional sewer authority, and the use of a local police force so large that the only conclusion one can make is that it is here only for the benefit of this educational institution. When we get done 'connecting the dots' you will be amazed.
Standby ... this could be be one sizzling summer ... and a really cool spring!
Hint ... Matt Watson homeless and what car is that at 280??