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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Disremembered Omissions

We were not so surprised to see articles in the Pottstown Mercury and Norristown Times Herald in reference to the local DJ race. The articles, while appearing fair told us nothing about the candidates that is not in their campaign literature.
This is the first time I had knew who Martin Dorminy was so we conducted a background check and found an article (see here) wherein Mr. Dorminy appears to have majorly screwed up a death penalty case. You read and you decide if this guy should be in any judicial position.
In addition, we received a copy of a new mailer from Terrie Stagliano (see above) and we want to set the record straight on a few things.
  1. Does the Stagliano camp really believe that the average voter is going to swallow that 4 weeks of DJ school is going to trump 4 years of undergraduate study and 3 years of law school? Hell, we know nothing about what level of education Terrie Stagliano has or even if she has graduated from high school. Her resume attempts to sizzle but there was no steak to be found.
  2. Does the Stagliano camp really believe that the average voter is going to think that someone who has practiced law as a prosecutor and in private practice for many years is not better suited for this position than someone who has been elected to public office and owns a business?
  3. Terrie Stagliano compares herself to Ben Crahalla but she does not have his support or that of his spouse. Ask yourself why that is?
  4. Ben Crahalla is an educated man with a BS in Criminal Justice and prior to becoming a DJ he spent 25 years as a Pennsylvania State Trooper. He has plenty of legal experience prior to being a judge. Cutting hair and being a community activist (spending public money) is not the same.
  5. The only reason that the State of Pennsylvania allows someone who does not have a law degree to serve as a Magisterial Judge is that Pennsylvania is very rural and if they did not it would be impossible to fill the positions. But make no mistake about it - the State iteself and the State Judiciary prefer someone with a law degree to serve.

In closing, let me remind you that on this blog in many posts we have presented the facts that were culled from various public records. The newspapers have access to the same information as we do - but Stan Huskey and gang just choose to ignore these facts and just disremember so they could make many omissions when they report the 'news' ... or is it simply their own agenda?

But let us not forget Stan's user profile on his blog that states "I'm about finding the truth and helping people understand what is happening where they live, work and play." We are listening for the truth but oft times Stanley your silence is deafening!