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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Above the Law III

It appears that candidate Terrie Stagliano has in the past not paid her federal taxes to the tune of $10,996.41 and the IRS had to file a federal lien against her and her husband, Albert Stagliano.

It is all right here on the Montgomery County website.

In addition, we have heard from a very reliable source (an official) at the townhouse development where the Stagliano's live (see here) that in the past few months the association had to bring legal action due to many months of unpaid association dues in the area of $3,000.00. They were sued in the very court that Terrie Stagliano is running to be the judge in!

Once again this points to the moral character and ethics this candidate possesses. Once again, Terrie Stagliano thinks she is above the law!