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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Stan Huskey's "Truth of the Day"

Well, there goes Stan Huskey and his version of the "truth" as he writes on his blog:

"Anyway, this is (and I know I've said this before but I'm serious this time) the last time I'll address the alleged charge to Trappe Borough for putting borough contact information in the Collegeville/Trappe Heritage special section. I didn't a little investigative reporter. I was a cop reporter in a former life, you know. The money that shows up on the Trappe books is for an ad they took out in the section; not for the listing".

What ... talk about spin?!

Stan, you wrote "No, we didn't charge Collegeville and Trappe to put their listings into our recent Collegeville/Trappe Heritage piece". That was a lie and the invoice proves it.

Someone commented to the posting "No, No, No" posting "After viewing the invoice that was printed on the "other" bogus website formed by what I believe to be by a current council member to disparage the name of the endorsed candidates (even though the committee persons refuse to endorse them because the candidates that they wanted to endorse didn't win the primary), It appears as if "Mr Marks" would have had to have access to the boroughs Accounts Payable files. That being said, if either of the two employees that work at Borough Hall have never seen this apparition of a blog author, Then i for one would have to say that it appears if some fishy business has been going on..........Is that really such a surprise for the current regime that sits on council"?

I have to assume that they are referring to this blog. I am not a current member of Trappe Council and I have never even lived in Trappe. You see my picture ... have you ever seen me sitting at the Trappe Council table during meetings? This sounds like the Clinton's and their "vast right-wing conspiracy" theory!

But enough of that let us focus our efforts on the invoice. I exercised the right of a PA Taxpayer and I obtained the invoice under the Pennsylvania Right To Know Law. Under this law it provides access to public records and make copies thereof. While the law states that a formal request can be made, most entities, having nothing to hide, grant access without a written request. After all it is the taxpayer's information as they paid for it.

The law defines a "Public record" as "Any account, voucher or contract dealing with the receipt or disbursement of funds by an agency or its acquisition, use or disposal of services or of supplies, materials, equipment or other property and any minute, order or decision by an agency fixing the personal or property rights, privileges, immunities, duties or obligations of any person or group of persons".

What I have noticed in Trappe is the folks who want to gain control write such things when they cannot answer the allegations made against someone like Mr. Huskey. They do not address the immoral and possible illegal activities of Fred Schuetz and Matthew Watson of the "Trusted Team".

Oh and before I forget let me "connect-the-dots". We have reported on this blog in a prior posting regarding David Kane and Mark Marino. One of the current candidates for Trappe Council and a member of the "Trusted Team", Lew DiPrete, was a person I would not associate with Fred Schuetz, Matthew Watson or Paul Edwards as he is not associated with land development or real estate. Then it struck me ... could this Lew DiPrete be related to Beth DiPrete of Limerick Township? Sure enough, Beth is the wife of Lew DiPrete and the Finance Director / Treasurer of Limerick Township.

Now I find it interesting that Beth's employment depends on none other than David Kane, Chairman of the Limerick Township Board of Supervisors. Now Mr. Kane is well known for being a bully and firing anyone who disagrees with him. This is the same David Kane who financed (through a Republican PAC) the "Trusted Team" campaign.

Yes, the "Trusted Team" has been bought and sold by Mr. Kane and Mark Marino. It was overheard on primary night (May 15, 2007) that Mr. Kane stated he "owned Trappe with this primary victory and the Trappe School development would benefit him". How? Wait and watch as we are investigating. When the new "Trusted Team" takes their seats in January keep your eye on development in Trappe ... especially the Fugo Property subdivision and the Stearly Tract. Our prediction is they will "sail through" Council under the direction of Mr. Schuetz and Mr. Watson while selling out the nearby residents and the good folks purchasing properties in these subdivisions.

And finally let me address the "sidewalk" issue in Trappe. Under the guidance of Trappe Councilman Jim Durrell, the sidewalks were marked for replacement and letters were issued giving residents of those properties the directive to replace the sidewalks. Well ... this whole "project" has turned into somewhat of a problem so NOW the Borough has backed off. Now what do we do about all of these "marked" sidewalks?!

Next blog posting "It's Good to Be King".