The Strauss campaign had previously placed a sign on the lawn of the building where Jim Gerlach has his office. The Landlord either took the sign down himself, or asked that it be removed. The sign disappeared for awhile. Yet, on Friday afternoon the sign reappeared. While it may be down by the time you read this e mail, it would be a GREAT idea to blog about how Trappe politics has sunk to a new level. Placing signs on a property AFTER the owner wanted it removed. How sad. Does the campaign have so few people that support Mr Strauss that they have to place signs were they are not wanted? And, where the signs were previously removed? Also, how about the Republican Committee People supporting a non endorsed candidate? Shouldn't you be calling for their immediate removal? Their house has a sign that supports Mr. Strauss, who I am sure you know was soundly defeated in the primary. Talk about abuse of office! They ran for a job to support the Republican Party, yet now turn their backs on helping the endorsed Republican ticket. You can call for their resignation since they won't perform the job the voters elected them to perform. That is great blog material. I can hardly wait to read about it! Signed Bob Manley
Well I did some investigation and I found out in fact there had been a sign from Mr. Strauss's campaign on that property. I am not certain who owns the property but I believe this sign as well as others from the Strauss Campaign were illegally vandalized on mischief night as several homeowners wrote to me complaining that signs were missing from their properties. Perhaps Mr. Strauss's sign was removed Tuesday evening during mischief night? Bob Manely offers me no facts about who owns the property where Congressman Gerlach has his office and if the property owner did in fact ask Mr. Strauss to remove because he did not have permission. I ask Mr. Manley to please send me any information regarding this so I can post it. If Mr. Strauss did not have permission of the property owner than I agree with Mr. Manley that the sign should have never been there. Period.
Now on to the the Republican Committee people Bob Manley states should be removed for non-endorsement of the "Trusted Team" win in the Trappe Primary. I do not believe there is a provision under the rules that would allow anyone to remove the standing Committee People because they did not endorse the primary winners. But of course I could be wrong. Please send me info if anyone has it.
I do believe that during this campaign that certain folks in Trappe have "sunk to a new level". If it is true that someone vandalized the signs endorsing Stu Strauss on mischief night then that qualifies as a "new low". What bothers me the most though is the way that certain members of the "Trusted Team" according to Montgomery County records were registered just before running for office either as Democrats or Independents. Matthew Watson has now switched parties several times. Lew DiPrete also switched parties just prior to running for office in Trappe. Go ahead and check it out yourself. In fact the entire "Trusted Team" crossed-filed for the primary for both the Democratic and Republican Parties. So if they lost as Republicans - presto - they would run as Democrats.
I think the picture above says it all - that the "Trusted Team" are Democrats in Republican clothing with their signs right next to the Democratic Candidates for Montgomery County Commissioners Joe Hoeffel . And that is how the Republicans are going to lose control in Montgomery County. With this type of slow infestation by the Democrats the Republicans are sure to lose control. And all with the endorsement and financial backing of Mark Marino as the Area 4 Leader for the Montgomery County Republican Party.