Monday, November 26, 2007
The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated
To quote Mark Twain "The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated". As was posted on Stan's Blog "Isn't it funny that after Stu Strauss lost in his attempt at a write-in campaign, that the "ghostly" Craig Marks has ceased in his attempt to discredit any of the other candidates ? Now Stan, answer me this.... Do you believe that Mr. Craigs' blog was just part of Stu Strauss' smear campaign effort? He disparaged your words many times over and even attempted to discredit you when all that you ever did was speak the facts. Thank you Stan for giving us this forum to voice our opinions".
Stan Huskey wouldn't know facts if he fell over them. He does not care about facts and it is blatant what he is doing. That is that he is nothing but a mouthpiece for his cronies and a fraud. And we aim to "smoke him out".
As for the the other prediction on Stan's Blog that stated Carrig would be replaced by now ... well let us just say it has not happened. I do agree that the voters have spoken so let the residents of Trappe get what is coming to them ... higher taxes, mismanagement and pay-back time to Mark Marino and (John) David Kane. We will be watching and reporting quite a bit of information that ties Kane, Marino, and the Stagliano's in a way you would not believe. Let us say for now that all of these parties owe the IRS in a big way and we will show the public records to prove it.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Another Dot Connected
Dear blogger,
While searching the internet I came upon your site. Reading your blog is what is disturbing. Maybe you should stop wasting your time bashing people who are actually out there, on their own time, not being paid, WHO WERE VOTED IN BY THEIR COMMUNITY (must I remind you), to help out their community and get off your butt and help out along with them. Maybe, instead of wasting time on the computer, you could get your name out there by making your community better for the greater good by doing things like, public concerts, parades, putting in sidewalks, lights in the park, getting rid of wooden swings and metal sliding boards so the kids dont hurt themselves, cleaning up the dam, putting in traffic lights and stop signs where they are needed, must I go on, and then maybe YOU can run for mayor!Wow what a thought. please shut up. no one wants to hear these things. If the public was not happy with the way Terrie and Al and everyone else on council handle things, they wouldnt have voted them in. And if anyone feels they can do a better job, then maybe they should run for council, or hey, maybe even attend a meeting?? Did you ever see the turnout of a council meeting? No one cares about their community issues until it directly affects them. And those people who are dealing with the issues every day so that the rest of us don't have to, such as the council, mayor, policemen, firemen, etc. should be commended not criticized. If you truly feel these people should not be a part of council, maybe you should hold a public debate about it and see how many people show up TO SUPPORT THEIR ACTIONS!! Feel free to post my email.
Diana Cordrey
Now at first I was a little suspect of this e-mail as I have a received a few e-mails where the person was not verifiable but when I did check on Ms. Cordrey I did find out she was indeed a resident of Collegeville (she has been in her current home since January 2006). I was also suspect when she stated that she "searching the Internet" when she "came upon our site". While appreciate the comment we are not exactly world famous here.
I also did note that Ms. Cordrey's e-mail came from her e-mail address at the Kravco Simon Company. Kravco Simon's home page states that "Kravco Simon's retail properties are among the most productive and successful in the country, creating value for tenants, shoppers and property owners alike. The Company's portfolio features the second largest shopping mall in the U.S., The Plaza and the Court at King of Prussia".
So I felt at the time that Ms. Cordrey was passionate about Collegeville and the folks who run the Borough. After all she is a neighbor of the Stagliano's and I am certain she knows them personally.
Then in watching the news yesterday on Channel 6 I noted they covered the outlet mall opening in Limerick (quite extensively I may add ... morning, noon and night). Here is the "quid pro quo" when it comes to Diana Cordrey...the reporter noted that the new outlets are no threat to the King of Prussia Mall due to the fact that the Kravco Simon Company built the new Limerick Outlets and they own and operate the King of Prussia Mall. And Diana Cordrey is employed at the Kravco Simon Company.
Here is another "dot connected" to David Kane who, once elected in Limerick, played a big part in pushing these outlets through and spurring development like it is nobodies business. Refer to my earlier posts regarding David Kane and Mark Marino and their support of the Trusted Team in Trappe. Then wait and watch what happens in Trappe with the school on first Avenue where (John) David Kane and Mark Marino will most likely financially benefit from this development. And once again more development with no one addressing the traffic problems.
And speaking of traffic problems the 422 bypass is a joke with it's daily 14 mile plus backup. It is an embarrassment to this region and is always in the news (daily traffic reports). And another huge headache is in the morning (or just about anytime) trying to go east on Ridge Pike from the Limerick Area. Trying to get through Collegeville Borough is a nightmare. Traffic is often backed up through Trappe into Upper Providence because the Collegeville Borough Council cannot fix the intersection at Main Street and Route 29, commonly known as the "Dog Leg" project. And their inept Borough Engineers, Gilmore and Associates, engineering a "new" liht at the WaWa to accommodate the diner and did not even synchronize it with the other lights in the area. We are all paying the price for this.
You may recall that Collegeville attacked Trappe for holding up the "Dog Leg" project and then we found out that it was all a big lie and that Trappe did not hold up anything (lots of Times Herald coverage EXCEPT when it was resolved - just another Stan Huskey co-conspircy). Well I believe that PENNDOT has sent a clear signal when they recently paved Gravel Pike (Route 29) all the way up to the construction area of the "Dog Leg". The message is that PENNDOT does not plan to do the the Dog Leg Project anytime in the near future. Collegeville has once again (the Dog Leg Project has been in process for over 15 years even though the Collegeville web site states 1997 ... another untruth) changed the timeline for the start of this project (they have changed it at least 10 times) to Spring of 2008. Now you may recall that Collegeville Officials stated Trappe was "delaying" the start of the project as it was to begin in the Fall of 2007.
Residents in Upper Providence have developed a campaign against development in Collegeville and Upper Providence. The group, known as Citizen’s Action Committee to Save Upper Providence and Collegeville, initiated their sign campaign along Routes 29 and Route 422. The group was established to influence township officials reviewing plans for high-density retail, office and hotel constructions projects. Well, when it comes to Philip A. Barker and Robert A. Fieo, Chairman and Vice Chairman in Upper Providence there is no influence unless you are a developer with money or a famly member.
If you want to know what the character of Phil Barker and Robert Fieo look no further than the board of Supervisors hired Sue Barker (Yes that’s right Phil Barkers wife) to the position of Park & Recreation Director at a starting salary $45,000 plus benefits. And Phil Barker was there for Bob Fieo when they hired Bob’s son for the Public Works Department.
I hope the folks in charge in Lower Providence, Upper Providence, Collegeville, Limerick, Perkiomen Township and Trappe wake up and hear the people instead of the developers to line their own pockets or to give jobs to their family members.
I doubt it and will show much more this in my next post.
Thomas Jefferson wrote "“Information is the currency of democracy” and “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.”
In writing this blog we will do our best to bring you information that is ALWAYS truthful and we promise to keep alive "The spirit of resistance to government (that) is so valuable on certain occasions".
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Election Results
In the race for Montgomery County Commissioner congratulations go out to Bruce Castor, Jim Matthews and Joe Hoeffel. I do not know Joe Hoeffel personally but I am told he is a good man of much integrity (like Bruce Castor and Jim Matthews) and will do a good job for Montgomery County. We are happy to have him on board as one party in total control is not good! Just as an FYI, Hoeffel actually beat Matthews by a very slight margin but that should send a message to the GOP ... stay on your toes and watch what your GOP area leaders are doing. Some of these area leaders are really upsetting people with their own agenda and it WILL come back to haunt the GOP ... wait and watch.
After all the Democrats did take five of nine row offices. The five row offices are:
• Clerk of Courts
• Controller
• Coroner
• Prothonotary
• Register of Wills
The next election will be interesting to watch as I predict that it will be very precarious for the Republicans ... especially for Mike Vereb's seat.
And Montgomery County did make history Tuesday night when it elected its first woman district attorney, Risa Ferman. Ferman received more than 85,000 votes - more than anyone else running for county office, including the man she will succeed, Bruce Castor. Risa Ferman is a worthy person to fill Bruce Castor's shoes. We wish her luck in her new position.
The other big congratulations goes out to the "Trusted Team" in Trappe Borough. They did a "clean sweep" and we wish them the best when they take their seats in January. Let us hope they live up to their billing.
It is interesting is the candidates who ran as Republicans but who won as Democrats as they cross-filed. Some examples are:
In Collegeville, MaryLynn Gaydos and Louise-Marie Tulio ran as Republicans but won as Democrats. Also in Collegeville Andrea L. Baptiste ran and won as Democrat beating out Republican Dale A. Bondanza.
In Trappe Fred Schuetz, Lew DiPrete, and Matthew Watson ran as Republicans but because they cross-filed they won as Democrats. Only Paul W. Edwards ran as a Republican and won as one though he did cross-file as a Democrat.
Now some folks may say that these candidates were just covering their bases but I say what are you - Republican or Democrat? Perhaps it is winning at any cost.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Paul Greco and Election Day in Trappe
Obviously Mr. Greco feels differently when he writes "For the last two years Borough Council has systematically moved to isolate us and roll back the advances of the last fifteen-plus years. Rather than a Council suited to the challenges and demands of 2007, this Council seems happy to conduct business as if it's 1977".
One person who wrote to stated "Well if lower taxes, fiscal prudence, and making sure the residents can get out of their driveways and their developments is such a bad thing, so be it. I do not want more development until we address traffic problems".
But more important than anything is that tomorrow is election day in Trappe. Fred Schuetz, Paul Edwards and Lew DiPrete deserve a chance as Council Members. But Matthew Watson has a conflict of interest in being a realtor who has until recently, advertised himself for sale to developers at his employers web site. He removed that reference after it was reported on this Blog.
And in my opinion that conflict of interest coupled with Mr. Watson's attendance record is a good enough reason to write in Stu Strauss when you vote.
According to the meeting minutes of Trappe Borough, as a Councilperson Mr. Watson in 2004 was absent 4 out of 13 meetings; in 2005 he was absent 4 out of 13 meetings; and in 2006 he missed 7 out of 14 meetings. In January and February of 2007 Mr. Watson was absent but when he decided to run for re-election as part of the "Trusted Team" he only missed one more meeting up until now.
And the meeting minutes of the Collegeville-Trappe Public Works Committee show Matt Watson's Official Attendance Record for 2004 that he was absent 8 out of 12 meetings attending 4; For 2005 that he was absent 7 out of 12 meetings attending 5. He was removed by a unanimous vote of Trappe Council in June 2006 due to poor attendance. He could have voted against replacing himself but you guessed it ... he was absent from Council ... and Mr. Watson did not cite a reason for his absence.
And according to these same meeting minutes Matt was Chairperson. In my eyes that is a very poor attendance record and it does not cover the period that he states all of those deaths in his family. And if there were these many deaths not one person at Trappe Borough and/or CTMA/Public Works knew about it until many months later after Mr. Watson's attendance record was brought forth by his critics. According to sources at both Trappe Borough and CTMA/Public Works, Mr. Waston would make contact late in the day stating he would not be attending the respective meeting but citing no reason as too why.
On the other hand Stu Strauss has a near 100% attendance record for both CTMA and Public Works as a member of those committees. Strauss (along with the Trappe Representatives) have uncovered many overcharges made to the Trappe Ratepayers and Residents and has ensured that there will be no rate increases in sewer or water until there is fiscal responsibility brought to the local utility for sewer, water and other services. And that includes the illegal charges made to the pension plan for the non-uniformed workers of Public Works.
If you are a voter in Trappe do yourself a favor ... mix it up ... give Fred Schuetz, Paul Edwards and Lew DiPrete a chance but do not vote for Matthew Watson. Write-in Stu Strauss and keep an assemblance of balance in Trappe Politics.
Signs, Signs, and More Signs ... Everywhere!

The Strauss campaign had previously placed a sign on the lawn of the building where Jim Gerlach has his office. The Landlord either took the sign down himself, or asked that it be removed. The sign disappeared for awhile. Yet, on Friday afternoon the sign reappeared. While it may be down by the time you read this e mail, it would be a GREAT idea to blog about how Trappe politics has sunk to a new level. Placing signs on a property AFTER the owner wanted it removed. How sad. Does the campaign have so few people that support Mr Strauss that they have to place signs were they are not wanted? And, where the signs were previously removed? Also, how about the Republican Committee People supporting a non endorsed candidate? Shouldn't you be calling for their immediate removal? Their house has a sign that supports Mr. Strauss, who I am sure you know was soundly defeated in the primary. Talk about abuse of office! They ran for a job to support the Republican Party, yet now turn their backs on helping the endorsed Republican ticket. You can call for their resignation since they won't perform the job the voters elected them to perform. That is great blog material. I can hardly wait to read about it! Signed Bob Manley
Well I did some investigation and I found out in fact there had been a sign from Mr. Strauss's campaign on that property. I am not certain who owns the property but I believe this sign as well as others from the Strauss Campaign were illegally vandalized on mischief night as several homeowners wrote to me complaining that signs were missing from their properties. Perhaps Mr. Strauss's sign was removed Tuesday evening during mischief night? Bob Manely offers me no facts about who owns the property where Congressman Gerlach has his office and if the property owner did in fact ask Mr. Strauss to remove because he did not have permission. I ask Mr. Manley to please send me any information regarding this so I can post it. If Mr. Strauss did not have permission of the property owner than I agree with Mr. Manley that the sign should have never been there. Period.
Now on to the the Republican Committee people Bob Manley states should be removed for non-endorsement of the "Trusted Team" win in the Trappe Primary. I do not believe there is a provision under the rules that would allow anyone to remove the standing Committee People because they did not endorse the primary winners. But of course I could be wrong. Please send me info if anyone has it.
I do believe that during this campaign that certain folks in Trappe have "sunk to a new level". If it is true that someone vandalized the signs endorsing Stu Strauss on mischief night then that qualifies as a "new low". What bothers me the most though is the way that certain members of the "Trusted Team" according to Montgomery County records were registered just before running for office either as Democrats or Independents. Matthew Watson has now switched parties several times. Lew DiPrete also switched parties just prior to running for office in Trappe. Go ahead and check it out yourself. In fact the entire "Trusted Team" crossed-filed for the primary for both the Democratic and Republican Parties. So if they lost as Republicans - presto - they would run as Democrats.
I think the picture above says it all - that the "Trusted Team" are Democrats in Republican clothing with their signs right next to the Democratic Candidates for Montgomery County Commissioners Joe Hoeffel . And that is how the Republicans are going to lose control in Montgomery County. With this type of slow infestation by the Democrats the Republicans are sure to lose control. And all with the endorsement and financial backing of Mark Marino as the Area 4 Leader for the Montgomery County Republican Party.
A Readers E-Mail amd My Response
In the meantime let me share a reader letter and my response to that letter.
From: Natalie Smith
Date: November 3, 2007 8:22:38 PM EDT
Subject: pvpa
Saw a pvpa blog advertising sign on the street.Interesting. You say that you are writing about thethings going on in the perk valley area but you focuson only a few. how come? who are you? and shouldn'tpeople be able to answer in your blog? so like i canwrite a blog about you with anything i feel likesaying? i don't think its fair. something isn't right.answer me this. why do you only have your sign intrappe? you only talk about Matt Watson, Fred Shuetz,Ernest Scmidt, Arnold Bender,who are from trappe. MarkMarino, David Kane, are from limerick. limerick isntin perk valley.Mayor Stagliano, Teresa Stagliano lookslike they are from collegeville. their cool people.Stan Huskey is from norristown. hes not in pv.youthrow in to look like a real blog Penn Delco SchoolDistrict andVerizon Fios. you keep talking aboutcollegeville taxes, police dept. & Collegeville $52.00tax. who cares? dude, i work in trappe and pay a$52.00 tax to trappe! my friend works in eaglevilleand pays it to! talk abou that why don't you! so likewhat about all the other towns around like perkiomen,upper and lower prov, skippack, etc.? your blog andyou looks like a fake and like you have axes to about whats happening in other towns
to.theres alot going on everywhere else to.
And here is my response:
Thank you for reading my blog and for writing to me. Let me address your points one at a time but first give you the definition of a blog:
A blog (a portmanteau of web log) is a website where entries are written in chronological order and commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. Many Blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other Blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic.
Saw a pvpa blog advertising sign on the street. Interesting. I did not put any signs up for my blog. Obviously someone likes what I am writing and has decided to "get the word out". People want to be a part of the blog it and I think that is great! I am not certain what you find "interesting" as you left it hanging.
You say that you are writing about the things going on in the perk valley area but you focus on only a few. how come? I have only so much time to write about certain subjects at certain times. After reading the Stan Huskey's blog I thought to myself that his commentary seems one sided and we the people need to get both sides of the story. When Stan refused to even talk to the people he wrote allegations about I and others thought that was unfair and downright biased. So I thought I can blog as well. I already had a blog so I started blogging about the issues in Trappe and Collegeville as it had been in the news quite a bit over the last 2 years. By the way anyone can blog ... it gives the "power of the press" to all instead of just the few. In Mr. Huskey's case in my and others opinions he has severely abused his power and now it has irreparably tarnished his and the Times Herald's reputation.
Who are you? Just click here
and shouldn't people be able to answer in your blog? I am not certain I know what you mean by "answer" since I don't pose questions other than that of the poll questions. I do offer folks to write to me (as you have) and (if appropriate and warranted) I will respond to your e-mail as I am here. I have had an overwhelming amount of feedback both pro and con ... some thanking me for providing the information that I have and others not liking the information I have provided. I have backed up all of what I have wrote with official documents either in pictures, meeting minutes, or official documents from a prosecuting agency, etc.
so like i can write a blog about you with anything i feel like saying? Sure you can start a blog. Anyone can. All you need is content and people to read it. I feel I have both and all of what I have posted can be substantiated with official documents as cited in the previous question. The groundswell of readers and their feedback to what I have written to date is very flattering.
i don't think its fair. something isn't right.answer me this. why do you only have your sign in trappe? Please see your first question but as I said I have no signs.
you only talk about Matt Watson, Fred Shuetz, Ernest Scmidt, Arnold Bender,who are from trappe. Mark Marino, David Kane, are from limerick. limerick isnt in perk valley. I think of Limerick as a part of Perk Valley. So do many others. I try to write regarding people and areas that I think are interesting to my readers and have a direct or indirect impact of the Perkiomen Valley and the surrounding areas.
Mayor Stagliano, Teresa Stagliano looks like they are from collegeville. their cool people. I appreciate your insight regarding the Stagliano's but I am not certain what you mean when you say they it "looks like thy are from collegeville" and they are are "cool people". It sounds as though you know them personally. I do not and I am strictly looking at them as public officials and their records of governing and the use of the powers of their respective offices.
Stan Huskey is from norristown. hes not in pv. Good point ... so I would suggest you post a comment at his blog asking Mr. Huskey that very question. I look forward to reading your comments posted at his blog.
you throw in to look like a real blog Penn Delco School District andVerizon Fios. I do not know what a "real blog" is versus a "fake blog". I do not just "throw" anything in ... I give facts and commentary I think will be of interest to the readers of my blog and and let the readers decide. Simple as that.
you keep talking about collegeville taxes, police dept. & Collegeville $52.00 tax. who cares? The people in Collegeville I think would care when we talk about property taxes. My recent posting comparing municipal property taxes in Collegeville and the direct neighbors was a real eye opener for many as I received many e-mails saying so. I did not refer to the EMS Tax in my posting other than to say in another posting that Collegeville had a hearing coming up with an Ordinance to adopt the EMS tax. I do not object to the EMS tax.
dude, i work in trappe and pay a $52.00 tax to trappe! my friend works in eagleville and pays it to! talk abou that why don't you! Here is my response ... I have no objections to the EMS tax.
so like what about all the other towns around like perkiomen, upper and lower prov, skippack, etc.? your blog and you looks like a fake and like you have axes to grind. talk about whats happening in other towns to.theres a lot going on everywhere else to. Natalie, you have no credability when you make unsubstantiated allegations and it is counter-productive to a meaningful dialogue when you accuse my blog as being a fake. That may be your opinion but without a definition and substantiating facts as to how a blog is "fake" it will fall on deaf ears. No axe to grind here just want ALL of the FACTS out there for the readers. Simple as that.
I appreciate all of your input and I hope this clears up the many misconceptions you have. I do hope you keep reading my blog and tell all of your friends about it. I believe I will be able to keep it interesting. Fact after all is much greater than fiction.
Craig Marks
Next blog: Signs, Signs, and More Signs ... Everywhere!
Thanks to Bob Manley for writing to me for the suggestion to look into the political signs in Trappe. I appreciate his support!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
A Cryptic Response
Hi Mark, or Stu, or Al.
Attached please find a suitable picture for your next "blog-stay tuned". I would prefer you use this one rather than the photo of myself that is posted on the Collegeville Borough website as I feel the lighting in this photo brings out my best features. I also really like the lime jacket I am wearing. Please feel free to contact me if you need a different angled shot.
I must say I have thoroughly enjoyed the anecdotes on your blog. When I find I am having a bad day, all I have to do is log on to your site and I feel better knowing that someone has me on their mind, and for that I truly thank you!
For clarification purposes, please note the correct spelling of my name:
Teresa M. Stagliano (that is Theresa without the H, in case you forget).
Some people prefer to call me "Terrie" (note, that spelling is with an "ie" not a "y").
Hope you had a great Halloween!
As I am certain you the reader will find this response to my posting to be somewhat disturbing. This response only underscores the point I was trying to make yesterday … that Mrs. Stagliano and her husband as well as the rest of Collegeville Borough Council must be held accountable for their actions.
The points made in yesterday’s post of public officials using the power of their office for personal gain are serious in nature and not to be taken lightly. But what does Mrs. Stagliano do? She responds as if she is untouchable and it is all a joke! She mistakenly identifies me as one of her self-imposed political adversaries.
The residents and voters Collegeville Borough need to take a hard look at the Collegeville Budget and ask why Collegeville’s tax rate is one of the highest in Montgomery County. Here is a comparison to surrounding communities:
Perkiomen Township - 0.52
Upper Providence Township - 0.00
Trappe Borough - 0.00
Collegeville Borough - 3.50 (Highest allowed by law)
Based upon the above municipal tax rates the following is how much borough tax a resident would pay on a home of $300,000 in assessed value:
Perkiomen Township - $156.00
Upper Providence Township - $0.00
Trappe Borough - $0.00
Collegeville Borough - $1,050.00
I encourage Collegeville Residents to attend the next Collegeville Borough Council meeting and ask the hard questions as to why the Borough needs a full-time Treasurer and eight policemen (including a full-time detective)? Eliminating or reducing these functions would reduce the Borough's costs by over $1 million dollars.
Manipulating the law for your benefit, high taxes, cost shifting to neighboring boroughs, and cronyism with public employees. What is next for Mrs. Stagliano and Collegeville Council?
How about endorsing Mrs. Stagliano for District Judge? That is right. Sources tell me that Mrs. Stagliano has already attended the required state schooling to run for office as a District Justice and has her eye on Ben Crahalla’s office as Judge Crahalla is up for mandatory retirement.
Now you can just imagine if this is how Mrs. Stagliano and her husband abuse their powers as members of Borough Council for their personal gain, just what would happen if she became a District Justice?
Now that is truly scary!