This morning Mr. huskey wrote on his blog "did I say I didn't know who the Marinos are? I'll answer that. No, I didn't. I said I didn't 'know' Mark Marino. I know his father quite well. We spoke often when I was a cop reporter. I don't know Mark".
Well here is a refresher for you, Stan. On March 15, 2006 at the Swann/Mathhews Reception held in Conshohocken several people have written to me stating that they saw you speaking at length with Mark Marino at this event. Does that ring a bell?
These same folks indicated they also left comments on Mr. Huskey's blog but they never appeared. So when you write in the same posting "First, yes I do moderate this blog. I have to. However, if you'll go back and check out previous posts you'll see I try to use comments from both sides" we all know you once again are not telling the truth. By the way, why does Mr. Huskey "have to" moderate his blog? I believe it is so he can bias the comments for one side only. What say you Mr. Huskey?
The most important thing to a reader of a newspaper is that the reporting be unbiased and the truth. Not to print just part of the story ... deciding to only report the facts as they see fit. As the editor, we count on Mr. Huskey to do fair and truthful reporting - both in the newspaper and on his blog. Mr. Huskey crossed the line by reporting unsubstantiated allegations on his blog. It is time for Stan Huskey to go as Editor of paper. He can retire or however he wishes to handle it. If he does not voluntarily go, then the powers-to-be at the Norristown Times Herald need to take action.
Newspapers have enough trouble these days when they play it straight. With declining advertising and readership they need not have their journalistic integrity questioned. Mr. Huskey was caught in a lie and has put the reputation of this fine newspaper in jeopardy.
This is just irresponsible. Period.