It seems that everyone in this area knows and loves Ben Crahalla, the current sitting judge for Magisterial District 38-1-20 who must retire as required by law, as he will reach the age of 70 in July.
In April 2009 the letter here (click to enlarge - after viewing use the browser back button to return to the blog) was mailed out wherein Mrs. Crahalla notes she feels compelled not only to set the record straight due to the misinformation being spread (most likely from the Stagaliano Camp since it benefited Ms. Stagliano) but to make an endorsement.
Mrs. Crahalla had hoped to stay out of this race and our sources tell us that for the past several years Mrs. Stagliano very heavily pursued Mrs. Crahalla for a personal relationship. In fact, we were told that none other than Albert Stagliano, husband of (and current Mayor in Collegeville Borough) Mrs. Stagliano showed up at Judge Crahalla's office demanding he resign so there would be no need for his wife to run in an election (apparently the Stagliano's thought they had it wired with the Pennsylvania Governor to appoint her). I have the feeling that did nothing to bolster that personal relationship.
In spite of all this Mrs. Crahalla did not wish to get involved but as she cites in her letter that she originally planned to remain neutral but, unfortunately, she intimates she was forced to take a position.
Once again a key endorsement not only due to a much more qualified candidate, Cathleen Rebar, but as with Mr. Draksler, an endorsement due to the tatics of her opposition.