This is a story that started over one year ago and was reported in this blog. Wherein I wrote that the "handouts" would be coming and the first one is about to hit! The six (6) employees of the CTMA and CTJPW (water and sewer for Trappe and Collegeville) are about to get what they patiently have waited for - a big fat present for a retroactive Christmas.
I will be brief here as we do not have a copy of the actual contract (it was voted on and passed by the CTMA and CTJPW bodies but they have refused to release it and are violating the Right To Know Law in Pennsylvania) but we are told by those who know that the contract they are getting will show the ratepayers of Trappe and Collegeville as to why their water and sewer bills have increased so astronomically. Here is a taste:
Salary increases for the next four (4) years of 5% on the average. Salary increases in that time period are going to raise the average employees salary from $57,000.00 to close to over $70,000.00. That includes an hours paid lunch each day. The employees will make NO contribution to the Cadillac of health plans they already have. These fringe benefits are costing the ratepayers over $30,000.00 per year per employee. These fringe benefits include a no co-pay health plan (no HMO for these folks), full dental, eyes, a healthy pension, and long and short term disability.
All of these handouts at a time that most government bodies are tightening their belts … we will have more on this and who is responsible in the near future. You are going to be VERY surprised who one of the parties is. Here is a hint - they have been doing this to the ratepayers of Trappe and Collegeville since the 1930’s and they are a multi-million dollar institution!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Limerick Township and the Chickens
Well - it happened - the chickens came home to roost. Slightly old news but David Kane resigned as a Limerick Township Supervisor and where there was smoke there is now fire. I do hope this puts the other elected officials in Limerick on notice in that you cannot do unethical and sometimes illegal acts and not be held accountable. Are you listening Ms. Dewan? How about Ms. Chesler or Ms. Shuler or Mr. Kotch or Mr. Sperring?
These elected officials who worked with Mr. Kane all knew what he was up to but stuck by him - why? Because they are as unethical as Mr. Kane. It is time to "wipe the board clean" in Limerick and get a whole new slate of elected officials there. I just hope that there are some good people who will step up and really do want to serve the community and not put money in their pockets. These folks are scarce today but hard times bring out the best in people. Let us hope.
In perusing the May 2008 Meeting Minutes of Trappe Borough it was discovered in May that a resident asked the question of Borough Council during the "OPEN TO THE PUBLIC" section of the Council Meeting. The resident inquired with regard to the Council addressing the issue of purchasing the Longacre Property (a potential EPA clean-up site) for a potential new compost site for residents of Trappe and Collegeville? President Schuetz advised that this would not be a topic of discussion this evening.
Now why would an elected official who is a member of the "Trusted Team" and their leader, not wish to speak about a government body potentially purchasing a new site? Perhaps because it is not needed (what is wrong with the current site)? Perhaps because it is going to cost "mucho" bucks to clean this site up. Mr. Schuetz is not looking very trusting in his answer.
And I have one more comment for this posting. What is Collegeville doing at the Route 29 and Main Street improvement? People need to be asking hard questions of the Borough Council why this eye sore just sits there!
These elected officials who worked with Mr. Kane all knew what he was up to but stuck by him - why? Because they are as unethical as Mr. Kane. It is time to "wipe the board clean" in Limerick and get a whole new slate of elected officials there. I just hope that there are some good people who will step up and really do want to serve the community and not put money in their pockets. These folks are scarce today but hard times bring out the best in people. Let us hope.
In perusing the May 2008 Meeting Minutes of Trappe Borough it was discovered in May that a resident asked the question of Borough Council during the "OPEN TO THE PUBLIC" section of the Council Meeting. The resident inquired with regard to the Council addressing the issue of purchasing the Longacre Property (a potential EPA clean-up site) for a potential new compost site for residents of Trappe and Collegeville? President Schuetz advised that this would not be a topic of discussion this evening.
Now why would an elected official who is a member of the "Trusted Team" and their leader, not wish to speak about a government body potentially purchasing a new site? Perhaps because it is not needed (what is wrong with the current site)? Perhaps because it is going to cost "mucho" bucks to clean this site up. Mr. Schuetz is not looking very trusting in his answer.
And I have one more comment for this posting. What is Collegeville doing at the Route 29 and Main Street improvement? People need to be asking hard questions of the Borough Council why this eye sore just sits there!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Stan Huskey and the Truth (Part 2)
Well, once again we get the “truth”, Stan Huskey style. We have said it before and we will say it again … Stan would not know the truth if he fell over it but he sure knows how to spin a story.
First, Mr. Huskey on April 28th wrote at his blog “I heard the rumors last week. However, before I move forward with something of this magnitude I will make sure we have confirmation”. This statement was in reply to a comment that Mr. Huskey posted on his blog from “crystal balls” wherein crystal balls attempted to discredit me by stating “Stan, Craig Marks blog is way out of line. There was no raids on anyones home. If these people know so much carry a camera and shoot the scene. If you go to some web sites they have everyone and their brothers home being raided by 10 to 30 FBI agents. People keep taking shots at you, like Joe Friday used to say "give me the facts, just the facts.
Well, as it turns out the story that this blogger broke on April 27th (and many said it was just a rumor) was the “facts, just the facts”. And finally, today, May 15th the Norristown Times Herald published an article (OK, a “fluff” piece – more on that shortly). Now the lack expediency on publishing this story brings to mind a couple of words here … auspicious … opportune … well you get the idea.
What the Times Herald article briefly mentions but fails to question is the statement “The records sought appear to be meeting minutes, personal income tax documents and filings with the State Ethics Commission”. I do not believe that the personal income tax documents of anyone are kept at the respective Township buildings. So we stand by our statements that the homes of Marino and Kane were also served subpoenas at their residences wherein records were seized.
Now, I will let you in on what is happening here if it is not obvious to you. First, Mr. Huskey wants to deflect some of the criticism of his cronyism with Mr. Marino and Mr. Kane by publishing this fluff piece two and a half weeks after a blogger broke the story and then pretending that he is picking up the story from two sister publications. What the hell took so long? Please Mr. Huskey, if you are going to do a story, do a story with some teeth.
Second, while some officials at Limerick Township were interviewed for the story that appeared in the Norristown Times Herald article, no official was willing to go on record with a statement. In the article it states that “Limerick Township Manager Dan Kerr declined comment, as did township Solicitor Joe McGrory and supervisors’ spokesman Mike Pincus”. It also states that “Limerick supervisors’ Chairwoman Elaine DeWan did not respond to requests for comment”. Wow, I am shocked! This speaks for itself, as the silence is deafening.
Third, Skippack Township Manager Ted Locker (former Limerick Code Enforcement Officer) was interviewed for the article wherein he confirmed “that the IRS requested township records, and he complied with the request”. Locker said “no particular supervisor was named as the target of the investigation”. He also said rumors that the IRS “raided” the building were unfounded”. Well more spin from a Marino crony as what Mr. Locker does not say that the “request” came in the form of a subpoena and while he is correct that no one person was a target he failed to mention that all of the records for Skippack Township Supervisors were “seized” as a result of that subpoena. Yes Mr. Locker, this is what happens when a subpoena is served, property is often “seized” as a result of a subpoena. Part of the the definition of a subpoena is “the legal document issued by a court or judicial officer as a legal demand of records”.
An agency, such as the IRS or the FBI, makes a request of a person or entity (business) to turn over records voluntarily. If they do obtain what they are seeking or they suspect that information exists that is not coming voluntarily, then they seek a subpoena. Now, we all know that we do not want to give a “heads up” to someone who we are serving a subpoena on, so we take them by surprise and conduct a “raid” so we do not give them the opportunity to remove and/or destroy records (just ask the employees at the Collegeville Trappe Public Works about their shredding service). So when Mr. Locker states “rumors that the IRS “raided” the building were unfounded” we all know that Mr. Locker is being disingenuous at best, and Mr. Huskey’s newspaper is remiss in not challenging such a statement.
Now the statement that takes the pinhead award is from Skippack Supervisor Mary Beth LaBelle who described the request (a subpoena is not a request it is a forceful seizure) as “nothing. Easy breezy, no big shakes.” She said, “I own two businesses. The IRS constantly reviews my records so they can collect better data”. “There’s a certain faction out there who likes to make things bigger than they are,” she added. “I’ll bet my life and my business that we are straight as an arrow.”
Well, Ms. LaBelle, I checked with some folks who are in business, both small and large, and NEVER has the IRS or the FBI or any government entity ever served a subpoena on one of their business concerns. And certainly not the FBI assisting in a “criminal investigation”! What a ludicrous statement.
The above referenced article can also be found in the Pottstown Mercury here.
I rest my case … for now.
First, Mr. Huskey on April 28th wrote at his blog “I heard the rumors last week. However, before I move forward with something of this magnitude I will make sure we have confirmation”. This statement was in reply to a comment that Mr. Huskey posted on his blog from “crystal balls” wherein crystal balls attempted to discredit me by stating “Stan, Craig Marks blog is way out of line. There was no raids on anyones home. If these people know so much carry a camera and shoot the scene. If you go to some web sites they have everyone and their brothers home being raided by 10 to 30 FBI agents. People keep taking shots at you, like Joe Friday used to say "give me the facts, just the facts.
Well, as it turns out the story that this blogger broke on April 27th (and many said it was just a rumor) was the “facts, just the facts”. And finally, today, May 15th the Norristown Times Herald published an article (OK, a “fluff” piece – more on that shortly). Now the lack expediency on publishing this story brings to mind a couple of words here … auspicious … opportune … well you get the idea.
What the Times Herald article briefly mentions but fails to question is the statement “The records sought appear to be meeting minutes, personal income tax documents and filings with the State Ethics Commission”. I do not believe that the personal income tax documents of anyone are kept at the respective Township buildings. So we stand by our statements that the homes of Marino and Kane were also served subpoenas at their residences wherein records were seized.
Now, I will let you in on what is happening here if it is not obvious to you. First, Mr. Huskey wants to deflect some of the criticism of his cronyism with Mr. Marino and Mr. Kane by publishing this fluff piece two and a half weeks after a blogger broke the story and then pretending that he is picking up the story from two sister publications. What the hell took so long? Please Mr. Huskey, if you are going to do a story, do a story with some teeth.
Second, while some officials at Limerick Township were interviewed for the story that appeared in the Norristown Times Herald article, no official was willing to go on record with a statement. In the article it states that “Limerick Township Manager Dan Kerr declined comment, as did township Solicitor Joe McGrory and supervisors’ spokesman Mike Pincus”. It also states that “Limerick supervisors’ Chairwoman Elaine DeWan did not respond to requests for comment”. Wow, I am shocked! This speaks for itself, as the silence is deafening.
Third, Skippack Township Manager Ted Locker (former Limerick Code Enforcement Officer) was interviewed for the article wherein he confirmed “that the IRS requested township records, and he complied with the request”. Locker said “no particular supervisor was named as the target of the investigation”. He also said rumors that the IRS “raided” the building were unfounded”. Well more spin from a Marino crony as what Mr. Locker does not say that the “request” came in the form of a subpoena and while he is correct that no one person was a target he failed to mention that all of the records for Skippack Township Supervisors were “seized” as a result of that subpoena. Yes Mr. Locker, this is what happens when a subpoena is served, property is often “seized” as a result of a subpoena. Part of the the definition of a subpoena is “the legal document issued by a court or judicial officer as a legal demand of records”.
An agency, such as the IRS or the FBI, makes a request of a person or entity (business) to turn over records voluntarily. If they do obtain what they are seeking or they suspect that information exists that is not coming voluntarily, then they seek a subpoena. Now, we all know that we do not want to give a “heads up” to someone who we are serving a subpoena on, so we take them by surprise and conduct a “raid” so we do not give them the opportunity to remove and/or destroy records (just ask the employees at the Collegeville Trappe Public Works about their shredding service). So when Mr. Locker states “rumors that the IRS “raided” the building were unfounded” we all know that Mr. Locker is being disingenuous at best, and Mr. Huskey’s newspaper is remiss in not challenging such a statement.
Now the statement that takes the pinhead award is from Skippack Supervisor Mary Beth LaBelle who described the request (a subpoena is not a request it is a forceful seizure) as “nothing. Easy breezy, no big shakes.” She said, “I own two businesses. The IRS constantly reviews my records so they can collect better data”. “There’s a certain faction out there who likes to make things bigger than they are,” she added. “I’ll bet my life and my business that we are straight as an arrow.”
Well, Ms. LaBelle, I checked with some folks who are in business, both small and large, and NEVER has the IRS or the FBI or any government entity ever served a subpoena on one of their business concerns. And certainly not the FBI assisting in a “criminal investigation”! What a ludicrous statement.
The above referenced article can also be found in the Pottstown Mercury here.
I rest my case … for now.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Limerick and Skippack - The S*#% Hits the Fan
Well it happened. Or at least we believe it has. We have heard from very reliable sources that the FBI (yes, THE Federal Bureau of Investigation) served warrants on and siezed numerous items including paper and electronic records from the homes and businesses of Mark Marino, Skippack Township Supervisor, his father Mike Marino, John (David) Kane of Limerick Township (and a business partner of Mark Marino).
In addition, the FBI siezed records of ALL of the Supervisors of Skippack Township. Next, we have heard, they will be targeting Limerick Township, and the targets there are Elaine DeWan, Chairman, Renee Chesler, Vice Chairman, David Kane, Frank A. Kotch, and Kenneth W. Sperring, Jr. In addition we beleive Beth DiPrete, the Finance Manager/Treasurer will be under investigation also.
Can Trappe Borough and the "Trusted Team" be far behind? The only thing I find odd here is how we have not heard one word from Mark Marino's buddy, Stan Huskey. I guess he took the weekend off!
In addition, the FBI siezed records of ALL of the Supervisors of Skippack Township. Next, we have heard, they will be targeting Limerick Township, and the targets there are Elaine DeWan, Chairman, Renee Chesler, Vice Chairman, David Kane, Frank A. Kotch, and Kenneth W. Sperring, Jr. In addition we beleive Beth DiPrete, the Finance Manager/Treasurer will be under investigation also.
Can Trappe Borough and the "Trusted Team" be far behind? The only thing I find odd here is how we have not heard one word from Mark Marino's buddy, Stan Huskey. I guess he took the weekend off!
Monday, March 31, 2008
A Man Has To Know His Limitations
I recently received a series of e-mail’s from Robert Brant, Trappe Borough’s Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor, wherein Mr. Brant has attempted to meet with me. In one of those e-mail’s Mr. Brant writes:
Craig- Come out from your cloak of anonymity which allows you to make irresponsible and inaccurate statements about others, including me, as you “blog” ; I learned of your statements from someone who read them, and told me you were making statements about me. When I asked to meet you, I did so only to ascertain whether you are, in fact, real, or are hiding behind disingenuous anonymous garbage. I do not have the advantage of not being in the public eye. Actually I searched records to find you, and could not. Could you give me a street address? I assure you that the “readers” of your blog will not pester you for autographs. Here is what is inaccurate in your statements- (1) Trappe did not violate ethics laws in appointing me to the ZHB- I have been the Solicitor to the ZHB since about 1988- Al Douglass is a member- I have been appointed steadily since that time, but am not a member-if any client that I represent in the Borough of Trappe, including Strategic were to make application to the ZHB. I could neither represent the ZHB or that client and would recuse myself; it has never happened. (2) you referred to me as “arrogant and pompous”, and I know that is subjective criticism, but are they your words? Finally, Craig, I challenge you to meet me, to confirm that you are real? Come on, man, have the guts to step up to your statements about those who are in the public eye, and face them. I bet you don’t.
Now what I find perplexing here is the fact that Mr. Brant does not counter my claim of his unethical behavior but instead spends time to attempt find my physical whereabouts. Sounds like a veiled threat to me. In fact I told Mr. Brant this in my reply to his e-mail:
Mr. Brant:
You seem obsessed in finding out my whereabouts rather than addressing the fact that you donated money (directly and indirectly) to the then candidates who now hold office in Trappe. You placed signs for those candidates on your office property in support of these candidates. You then benefited financially from these actions by retaining the post you state you have held since 1988. We are investigating allegations that this is your MO and that this is common practice for you.
If in fact you have done this (and we have the proof you have done this in Trappe) then you clearly have violated the ethics law. Here is an excerpt from the PA Ethics Act:
The Public Official and Employee Ethics Act provides certain restricted activities in which public officials and public employees may not engage. These restrictions provide the basis upon which Commission rulings are issued.
(a) No public official or public employee shall engage in conduct that constitutes a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest is defined as use by a public official or public employee of the authority of his office or employment or any confidential information received through his holding public office or employment for the private pecuniary benefit of himself, a member of his immediate family, or a business with which he or a member of his immediate family is associated. "Conflict" or "conflict of interest" does not include an action having a de minimis economic impact or which affects to the same degree a class consisting of the general public or a subclass consisting of an industry, occupation, or other group which includes the public official or public employee, a member of his immediate family, or a business with which he or a member of his immediate family is associated.
(b) No person shall offer or give to a public official, public employee, or nominee or candidate for public office or a member of his immediate family or a business with which he is associated, anything of monetary value, including a gift, loan, political contribution, reward or promise of future employment based on the offeror's or donor's understanding that the vote, official action, or judgment of the public official or public employee or nominee or candidate for public office would be influenced thereby.
(c) No public official, public employee or nominee or candidate for public office shall solicit or accept anything of monetary value, including a gift, loan, political contribution, reward, or promise of future employment based on any understanding of that public official, public employee or nominee that the vote, official action, or judgment of the public official or public employee or nominee or candidate for public office would be influenced thereby.
(d) No public official or public employee shall accept an honorarium.
Make no mistake that we are looking at you and your firm’s activities at every level including your activities at the LPVRSA. If you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to worry about. And again we offer you the opportunity to respond specifically to any and all allegations we have asserted in our Blog. Make no mistake about it though, we will not be intimidated by statements such as “Actually I searched records to find you, and could not. Could you give me a street address? I assure you that the "readers" of your blog will not pester you for autographs”. One can only read your actions to find my physical whereabouts as veiled threat. Be careful Mr. Brant as you are a member of the bar.
Speaking of that, do you not feel that being a member of the ZHB and representing Strategic Reality did not violate ethics law? Do you think contacting individual members of the then sitting Trappe Borough Council to meet with the principals of Strategic Realty when you represent Trappe Borough in zoning issues while taking money from this very client does not violate ethics laws? If you do not then you are seriously misguided. As Clint Eastwood said (as the character Harry Callaghan) in Dirty Harry “A man has to know his limitations”.
Craig- Come out from your cloak of anonymity which allows you to make irresponsible and inaccurate statements about others, including me, as you “blog” ; I learned of your statements from someone who read them, and told me you were making statements about me. When I asked to meet you, I did so only to ascertain whether you are, in fact, real, or are hiding behind disingenuous anonymous garbage. I do not have the advantage of not being in the public eye. Actually I searched records to find you, and could not. Could you give me a street address? I assure you that the “readers” of your blog will not pester you for autographs. Here is what is inaccurate in your statements- (1) Trappe did not violate ethics laws in appointing me to the ZHB- I have been the Solicitor to the ZHB since about 1988- Al Douglass is a member- I have been appointed steadily since that time, but am not a member-if any client that I represent in the Borough of Trappe, including Strategic were to make application to the ZHB. I could neither represent the ZHB or that client and would recuse myself; it has never happened. (2) you referred to me as “arrogant and pompous”, and I know that is subjective criticism, but are they your words? Finally, Craig, I challenge you to meet me, to confirm that you are real? Come on, man, have the guts to step up to your statements about those who are in the public eye, and face them. I bet you don’t.
Now what I find perplexing here is the fact that Mr. Brant does not counter my claim of his unethical behavior but instead spends time to attempt find my physical whereabouts. Sounds like a veiled threat to me. In fact I told Mr. Brant this in my reply to his e-mail:
Mr. Brant:
You seem obsessed in finding out my whereabouts rather than addressing the fact that you donated money (directly and indirectly) to the then candidates who now hold office in Trappe. You placed signs for those candidates on your office property in support of these candidates. You then benefited financially from these actions by retaining the post you state you have held since 1988. We are investigating allegations that this is your MO and that this is common practice for you.
If in fact you have done this (and we have the proof you have done this in Trappe) then you clearly have violated the ethics law. Here is an excerpt from the PA Ethics Act:
The Public Official and Employee Ethics Act provides certain restricted activities in which public officials and public employees may not engage. These restrictions provide the basis upon which Commission rulings are issued.
(a) No public official or public employee shall engage in conduct that constitutes a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest is defined as use by a public official or public employee of the authority of his office or employment or any confidential information received through his holding public office or employment for the private pecuniary benefit of himself, a member of his immediate family, or a business with which he or a member of his immediate family is associated. "Conflict" or "conflict of interest" does not include an action having a de minimis economic impact or which affects to the same degree a class consisting of the general public or a subclass consisting of an industry, occupation, or other group which includes the public official or public employee, a member of his immediate family, or a business with which he or a member of his immediate family is associated.
(b) No person shall offer or give to a public official, public employee, or nominee or candidate for public office or a member of his immediate family or a business with which he is associated, anything of monetary value, including a gift, loan, political contribution, reward or promise of future employment based on the offeror's or donor's understanding that the vote, official action, or judgment of the public official or public employee or nominee or candidate for public office would be influenced thereby.
(c) No public official, public employee or nominee or candidate for public office shall solicit or accept anything of monetary value, including a gift, loan, political contribution, reward, or promise of future employment based on any understanding of that public official, public employee or nominee that the vote, official action, or judgment of the public official or public employee or nominee or candidate for public office would be influenced thereby.
(d) No public official or public employee shall accept an honorarium.
Make no mistake that we are looking at you and your firm’s activities at every level including your activities at the LPVRSA. If you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to worry about. And again we offer you the opportunity to respond specifically to any and all allegations we have asserted in our Blog. Make no mistake about it though, we will not be intimidated by statements such as “Actually I searched records to find you, and could not. Could you give me a street address? I assure you that the "readers" of your blog will not pester you for autographs”. One can only read your actions to find my physical whereabouts as veiled threat. Be careful Mr. Brant as you are a member of the bar.
Speaking of that, do you not feel that being a member of the ZHB and representing Strategic Reality did not violate ethics law? Do you think contacting individual members of the then sitting Trappe Borough Council to meet with the principals of Strategic Realty when you represent Trappe Borough in zoning issues while taking money from this very client does not violate ethics laws? If you do not then you are seriously misguided. As Clint Eastwood said (as the character Harry Callaghan) in Dirty Harry “A man has to know his limitations”.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
When A Good Man Dies
When a good man dies
The earth nods, heaves a sigh
And goes right back to work.
You can’t trick fate
But you can mold it with passion,
Bend it by ambition
And turn it toward a better world.
It has come to our attention that Chuck Sardo, the Borough Manager of Trappe passed away on January 21, 2008. It is our understanding that Mr. Sardo passed away from a heart attack in front of his home, in his car as he was leaving for work. He was 62 years old and he was too young to die.
Chuck had a grin as big as his heart. He took pride in his family and his work. It is such a shame that the Times Herald and their very vindictive Editor, Stan Huskey, saw fit to print very damaging testimony from a civil suit brought against Mr. Sardo and Worcester Township. Then in a further vindictive manner the Times Herald printed additional slanderous spin regarding the very clearing of Mr. Sardo's name and misrepresented the facts of the settlement. And then they refused to print a letter from Worscester Township opposing the lies that the Times Herald had printed about the lawsuit and attempted to set the record straight but under the leadership of the Times Herald Editor, Stan Huskey, the paper refused to print to print that letter. Another voice silenced by this corrupt newspaper.
Mr. Sardo was a great man and will be hard to replace in Trappe. He made the world of government a better place. Rest in peace Chuck as many people will miss you.
The earth nods, heaves a sigh
And goes right back to work.
You can’t trick fate
But you can mold it with passion,
Bend it by ambition
And turn it toward a better world.
It has come to our attention that Chuck Sardo, the Borough Manager of Trappe passed away on January 21, 2008. It is our understanding that Mr. Sardo passed away from a heart attack in front of his home, in his car as he was leaving for work. He was 62 years old and he was too young to die.
Chuck had a grin as big as his heart. He took pride in his family and his work. It is such a shame that the Times Herald and their very vindictive Editor, Stan Huskey, saw fit to print very damaging testimony from a civil suit brought against Mr. Sardo and Worcester Township. Then in a further vindictive manner the Times Herald printed additional slanderous spin regarding the very clearing of Mr. Sardo's name and misrepresented the facts of the settlement. And then they refused to print a letter from Worscester Township opposing the lies that the Times Herald had printed about the lawsuit and attempted to set the record straight but under the leadership of the Times Herald Editor, Stan Huskey, the paper refused to print to print that letter. Another voice silenced by this corrupt newspaper.
Mr. Sardo was a great man and will be hard to replace in Trappe. He made the world of government a better place. Rest in peace Chuck as many people will miss you.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Stan Huskey Suddenly Has a Conscience
In his recent post, Stan Huskey, the Editor of the Norristown Times Herald, all of a sudden has a conscience wherein he writes "Two wrongs don't make a right. I thought it was wrong for former councilman Mark Carrig to stay on after he had moved out of town and he eventually did the right thing and resigned".
In the past I have spoken to Mr. Carrig and I must reiterate that to the best I can ascertain, Mr. Carrig did NOT stay on Trappe Council after he was not a resident. I do suggest that if anyone has any proof of otherwise please forward it to me and if it is valid I will put it on this blog, otherwise I suggest that they stop slandering Carrig. Besides, Carrig is long gone and only owns property in Trappe but resides in Collegeville Borough.
Now as a journalist it certainly makes Mr. Huskey look bad to state anything (blog or no blog) and not back it up with facts or evidence. But Mr. Huskey does assert many things in his blog without backing them up with anything. Now this this in itself would not be as a serious problem for just any blogger but the fact of the matter is that Mr. Huskey is editor of a newspaper in the area (whose parent company owns The Times Herald, Pottstown Mercury, The Valley Item and others) that gives them a virtual monopoly on information to the public (that is until the Internet came along). We once again need to question his ethics and journalistic integrity.
I must give Mr. Huskey some credit though for pointing out this clear violation of the ethics laws by Trappe Council in appointing Mr. Brant. When Trappe Council appointed Bob Brant to the zoning hearing board (and yes Mr. Huskey your source is correct - you would know this if you would send one of your reporters to cover the meetings instead of printing hearsay) it was and is a clear violation of the public trust and the state ethics laws.
Mr. Huskey further states "First, I don't know Mr. Brant. I'm sure he's a fine person". What?! How would you figure he is a fine person? Your sources? Why doesn't Mr. Huskey attend the Trappe meetings and then he can attest as an eyewitness? At least send an UNBIASED reporter. Oh, I forgot - Mr. Huskey does not know what the word "unbiased" means. If he did attend he would note that Mr. Brant is an arrogant and pompous attorney who was overheard telling the last Trappe Council President he didn't need his help as things were about to change in his clients favor.
It is well known in Trappe that Mr. Brant represents Strategic Realty Investments (the real estate investment company) that has proposed an 88-townhouse project on the current school property at 1st Avenue and College Avenue to the last Trappe Council. The last Trappe Council indicated they would not support the zoning overlay changes required to make this happen and 88 townhomes to be built on this property were far too many. That is when Mr. Brant started his financial support of the "Trusted Team" in a (now successful) bid to oust the last Trappe Council and place the "Trusted Team" in power. And now Mr. Brant raises his conflict of interest to a whole new level with this appointment. And you know what they say about the appearance of a conflict - perception is reality.
I do agree with Mr. Huskey that Trappe Council needs to remove Mr. Brant from this position as soon as possible. Do it or face serious ethics charges from the state level.
For more on the PA ethics laws visit the PA State Ethics Commission.
In the past I have spoken to Mr. Carrig and I must reiterate that to the best I can ascertain, Mr. Carrig did NOT stay on Trappe Council after he was not a resident. I do suggest that if anyone has any proof of otherwise please forward it to me and if it is valid I will put it on this blog, otherwise I suggest that they stop slandering Carrig. Besides, Carrig is long gone and only owns property in Trappe but resides in Collegeville Borough.
Now as a journalist it certainly makes Mr. Huskey look bad to state anything (blog or no blog) and not back it up with facts or evidence. But Mr. Huskey does assert many things in his blog without backing them up with anything. Now this this in itself would not be as a serious problem for just any blogger but the fact of the matter is that Mr. Huskey is editor of a newspaper in the area (whose parent company owns The Times Herald, Pottstown Mercury, The Valley Item and others) that gives them a virtual monopoly on information to the public (that is until the Internet came along). We once again need to question his ethics and journalistic integrity.
I must give Mr. Huskey some credit though for pointing out this clear violation of the ethics laws by Trappe Council in appointing Mr. Brant. When Trappe Council appointed Bob Brant to the zoning hearing board (and yes Mr. Huskey your source is correct - you would know this if you would send one of your reporters to cover the meetings instead of printing hearsay) it was and is a clear violation of the public trust and the state ethics laws.
Mr. Huskey further states "First, I don't know Mr. Brant. I'm sure he's a fine person". What?! How would you figure he is a fine person? Your sources? Why doesn't Mr. Huskey attend the Trappe meetings and then he can attest as an eyewitness? At least send an UNBIASED reporter. Oh, I forgot - Mr. Huskey does not know what the word "unbiased" means. If he did attend he would note that Mr. Brant is an arrogant and pompous attorney who was overheard telling the last Trappe Council President he didn't need his help as things were about to change in his clients favor.
It is well known in Trappe that Mr. Brant represents Strategic Realty Investments (the real estate investment company) that has proposed an 88-townhouse project on the current school property at 1st Avenue and College Avenue to the last Trappe Council. The last Trappe Council indicated they would not support the zoning overlay changes required to make this happen and 88 townhomes to be built on this property were far too many. That is when Mr. Brant started his financial support of the "Trusted Team" in a (now successful) bid to oust the last Trappe Council and place the "Trusted Team" in power. And now Mr. Brant raises his conflict of interest to a whole new level with this appointment. And you know what they say about the appearance of a conflict - perception is reality.
I do agree with Mr. Huskey that Trappe Council needs to remove Mr. Brant from this position as soon as possible. Do it or face serious ethics charges from the state level.
For more on the PA ethics laws visit the PA State Ethics Commission.
Monday, January 14, 2008
David Kane On Very Shaky Ground
As we reported in our posting of October 30th of last year and in other postings, (John) David Kane, Chairman of the Limerick Supervisors is in deep trouble with the government over taxes (he owes over $600,000 in taxes and penalties to the IRS alone - click here) and now the article over the weekend in the Pottstown Mercury wherein this guy is being sued by all sides.
As I have stated before and I will say again ... it is time for this guy to resign from Limerick Township. If he cannot handle his own finances why should the public trust him. He has financial problems and should not be in a position where trust is everything.
Please Mr. Kane, resign now or face more public scrutiny and embarrassment.
As I have stated before and I will say again ... it is time for this guy to resign from Limerick Township. If he cannot handle his own finances why should the public trust him. He has financial problems and should not be in a position where trust is everything.
Please Mr. Kane, resign now or face more public scrutiny and embarrassment.
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